Rendlesham Forest Incident - Witnesses and Events

The Rendlesham Forest incident occurred in December 1980 near RAF Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. This table summarizes the key events and witnesses involved in this mysterious case.

Date & Time Witness Rank/Position Events Reported Details Later Added
December 26, 1980, early hours John Burroughs Airman First Class Saw strange lights in the forest and a glowing object on the ground. Later described feeling a static charge in the air and difficulty moving.
December 26, 1980, early hours Jim Penniston Staff Sergeant Observed a triangular craft on the ground with hieroglyphic-like symbols. Claimed to have touched the craft and received binary code messages.
December 26, 1980, early hours Edward Cabansag Airman First Class Saw lights in the forest and accompanied Burroughs and Penniston. Reported feeling disoriented and experiencing time anomalies.
December 26, 1980, early hours Bud Steffens Airman First Class Initially spotted unusual lights while on patrol near the East Gate. Called the Base Security to report the sighting.
December 27, 1980, early hours Charles Halt Deputy Base Commander Led a team to investigate reports of lights and recorded his observations. Recorded a memo known as the "Halt Tape" detailing the events.
December 27, 1980, early hours Adrian Bustinza Sergeant Part of Halt's team; observed strange lights in the forest. Later described seeing a craft emitting beams of light down to the ground.
December 27, 1980, early hours Bruce Englund Master Sergeant Accompanied Halt; saw lights moving through the trees. Described beams of light tracking their movements.
December 27, 1980, early hours Monroe Nevels Disaster Preparedness Technician Took radiation readings at the landing site. Reported finding higher-than-normal radiation levels at the site.
December 27, 1980, early hours Larry Warren Airman First Class Claimed to have witnessed the lights and a landed craft. Later provided detailed descriptions of the craft and beings seen.
December 27, 1980, early hours Fred “Skip” Aalto Sergeant Part of the security team during the incident. Later spoke about seeing lights and beams in the forest.
December 27, 1980, early hours Norman Evans Radar Operator, RAF Neatishead Reported tracking an unidentified object on radar during the incident. Noted that the object moved erratically and at high speeds.
December 27, 1980, early hours Mal Scurrah Radar Operator, RAF Watton Confirmed sightings on radar of unidentified objects in the area. Described multiple fast-moving targets appearing on radar.
December 27, 1980, morning Charles Halt Deputy Base Commander Discovered triangular impressions in the ground where the craft was seen. Measured radiation levels higher than the background radiation in the area.
December 27, 1980, morning John Burroughs, Jim Penniston Airman First Class, Staff Sergeant Observed broken tree branches and burn marks near the site. Noted the impressions and physical changes in the environment.