1952 Washington D.C. UFO Flap

This table provides a detailed account of the UFO events over Washington D.C. in 1952, including radar data, eyewitness accounts, pilot observations, and additional findings from related incidents.

Key Events of the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO Flap
Date & Time (UTC) Location Witnesses with Positions and Ranks Event
July 2, 1952 Tremonton, Utah - Warrant Officer Delbert Newhouse
- Newhouse's family
Newhouse filmed a group of UFOs while driving with his family. The footage showed circular objects in the sky and became a major focus of analysis by the U.S. Air Force.
Ruppelt: Analyzed the footage, which was considered significant evidence by Project Blue Book.
July 19-20, 1952
Late Evening
Washington National Airport
Washington, D.C.
- Edward Nugent, Air Traffic Controller
- Howard Cocklin, Air Traffic Controller
- Pilots: Civilian pilots from Eastern Airlines
- Radar operators at Washington National
Multiple UFOs detected on radar moving erratically and at high speeds. Visual confirmation by air traffic controllers and pilots.
Ruppelt: Described the objects as "blips" moving at extraordinary speeds.
Chop: Was the press liaison, who confirmed the sightings publicly and facilitated the reporting.
July 20, 1952
Early Morning
Andrews Air Force Base
- Lt. William Brady, Tower Operator
- Airman William Lloyd, Ground Control Approach Radar Operator
- Base security personnel
Radar and visual sightings of bright, fast-moving lights performing sharp turns and erratic maneuvers. Radar operators confirmed intermittent radar contact with the objects.
Ruppelt: Reported that jets were scrambled to intercept the objects, but the objects eluded capture.
July 26-27, 1952
Late Night
Washington National Airport
Washington, D.C.
- Air Traffic Controllers at Washington National Airport
- Pilots of commercial flights, including Eastern Airlines Flight 611
Multiple radar detections and visual sightings of UFOs by controllers and pilots. Objects observed flying in formations, rapidly changing speeds, and directions.
Chop: Released information to the media and described the objects' movements as “intelligent control.”
July 27, 1952
Early Morning
Washington National Airport
Washington, D.C.
- Lt. William Patterson, USAF Pilot
- Air Traffic Controllers
F-94 Starfire interceptor scrambled. Lt. Patterson saw bright lights and attempted interception but could not get close enough. UFOs moved away at high speeds.
Ruppelt: Noted the jet pilots reported they were outmaneuvered and couldn't close in on the objects.
July 27, 1952 Palomar Observatory, Utah - Dr. Beatriz Villarreal
- Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project
On reviewing photographic plates from 1952, 70 years later, Dr. Villarroel and her team discovered several light sources on photographic plates that were not seen on plates recorded within an hour.
July 27-28, 1952
Washington National Airport
Washington, D.C.
- Air Traffic Controllers
- Civilian and military personnel
Continued radar and visual sightings. UFOs observed to move at extraordinary speeds and perform sharp maneuvers.
Chop: Managed the escalating public and media interest, confirming the military's involvement in investigating the incidents.
July 1952
Post-Flap Analysis
Washington D.C. - Swedish scientist
- Analysis by Sky Photos project
Sky Photos project revealed lights in the sky that were not visible to the naked eye, indicating potential unknown aerial phenomena during the Washington events.
Ruppelt: Commented on the scientific interest in the phenomenon, noting the potential implications for air defense and aerial phenomena studies.
General Timeframe
Washington D.C. - Dr. Jacques Vallée
- Various researchers and scientists
Dr. Jacques Vallée reported that some UFOs during the D.C. incidents allegedly ejected unknown material, which was later analyzed.
Chop: Supported open scientific inquiry into the incidents, emphasizing the need for transparency and detailed investigation.
