Varginha UFO Incident

This table provides a detailed account of the UFO events in Varginha, Brazil in 1996, including eyewitness accounts from citizens, firefighters, military personnel, doctors, journalists, and police officers.

Key Events of the Varginha UFO Incident
Date & Time Location Witnesses with Positions and Ranks Event
January 20, 1996
Early Morning
Varginha, Brazil - Augusto and Eurico Rodrigues
- Family members
Witnessed a UFO hovering and searching the city. The family observed the craft's movements and noted its unusual flight pattern.
January 20, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Carlos de Sousa, Civilian Pilot Observed a cigar-shaped object in distress, emitting smoke, and eventually crashing. Sousa reported the sighting to authorities.
January 20, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Firefighters
- Police Officers
Responded to calls about a strange creature. The entity was reportedly captured and taken away by the military.
January 20, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Liliane Fatima Silva
- Valquiria Silva
- Katia Andrade Xavier
Three girls encountered a strange creature with large red eyes in an empty lot. They described it as humanoid with oily skin and a strong odor.
January 20, 1996
Late Morning
Varginha, Brazil - Military Personnel
- Marco Eli Chereze, Police Officer
Reportedly involved in capturing one of the creatures. Chereze later fell ill and died under mysterious circumstances.
January 20, 1996
Regional Hospital of Varginha - Dr. Rogerio do Freitas
- Medical staff
Medical staff claimed to have treated a strange creature. Described the being's injuries and unusual physiological characteristics.
January 20, 1996
Late Afternoon
ESA Army Base, Tres Coracoes - Military personnel
- Lt. Col. Olimpio Wanderley
The creature was reportedly transported to the ESA Army Base for further examination. Military personnel observed the entity and its condition.
January 21, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Local journalists
- UFO researchers
Investigative journalists and UFO researchers interviewed witnesses and documented the events. Their findings highlighted multiple sightings and encounters within the city.
January 21, 1996
Hospital Humanitas - Dr. Leila Cabral
- Medical staff
Another doctor reported treating a similar creature. The description matched previous accounts of the captured entity.
January 21, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Eurico de Freitas, Farmer
- Oralina de Freitas, Farmer's Wife
Reported seeing a UFO flying low over their field. The object moved silently and exhibited unusual flight characteristics.
January 22, 1996
Varginha, Brazil - Additional Military Personnel
- Unnamed Police Officers
Additional military and police reported involvement in the containment and transportation of the creatures. Accounts of their experiences were later disclosed anonymously.
